Carlo Fumo member of the jury to Russia-Italian Film Festival in Moscow

Moscow, November 2, 2016,
The event was inaugurated yesterday at the Oktyabr cinema at the presence of the film director and screenwriter Carlo Fumo : "Moscow an extraordinary city. Great opportunity to show Russia the latest Italian film"
Reaches the "Russia-Italy Film Festival" in Moscow, the success achieved in Washington by the director Carlo Fumo, with the screening of the documentary denounces "Land Off Poisons - Poisons Earth."
After two weeks from the submission of the documentary, the United States, as part of the "Women leaders in advanced cancer research", world-class scientific conference on the theme of the fight against cancer, the president of Colliano director Carlo Fumo ' " Italian Movie Award © International Film Festival ", along with co-author, journalist Paul Chiariello landed in Russia, where, in recent days, has opened the 2016 edition of the" Russia-Italy Film Festival ", the cinema" October "in Moscow .
prominent guest, between 1500 spectators, the Italian ambassador to Moscow, Cesare Maria Ragaglini.
During the evening, the director has made official the partnership between its international film festival "Italian Movie Award" and the "Russia-Italy Film Festival", and presented the movie "Perfect strangers" by Paolo Genovese; Moreover, the port has to the public, the greetings of the director Paolo Genovese and producer Marco Belardi and read the letter of the actor Edoardo Leo.
And just the other day, in the day that the festival dedicated entirely to the city of Naples, was presented a special preview (lasting 10 minutes) documentary-denunciation of pollution in Campania, "Land Off Poisons", dedicated the scientific work oncologist Neapolitan Giovan Giacomo Giordano.
Projected, finally, the special video greeting and gratitude to the Russian people, the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris.
"Italian and Russia share many important things, literature, culture and a great cinematic story - told from the stage director Carlo Fumo - so I hope that among these nations can strengthen more and more the dialogue and friendship. It does not happen every day, in fact, to see Russian boys who with great sacrifice organize a cultural event of this magnitude, completely dedicated to Italy. "