"Italian Movie Award" La storia del festival raccontata da Carlo Fumo su RAI 2
23 feb ore 9:50 RAI 2 racconta il Festival ITALIAN MOVIE AWARD © attraverso l’intervista al Presidente e Direttore Artistico Carlo Fumo.
"Italian Movie Award" interview with Carlo Fumo, on RAI 2 (TV)
Rome, February 20, 2016, RAI 2 TV tells ITALIAN MOVIE AWARD Festival © through the interview with the President and Artistic Director...
Carlo Fumo member of the jury to Russia-Italian Film Festival in Moscow
The event was inaugurated yesterday at the Oktyabr cinema at the presence of the film director and screenwriter Carlo Fumo...
Carlo Fumo in giuria al Russia-Italia Film Festival di Mosca
La kermesse è stata inaugurata ieri al cinema Oktyabr alla presenza del regista e sceneggiatore Carlo Fumo: "Mosca una città straordina
Il Mattino: even the director Carlo Fumo at the White House.
Carlo Fumo at the White House in the day of the meeting between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
Carlo Fumo presents his new documentary at NIAF Gala in Washington DC
Carlo Fumo will be screened for the first time in the US, in Washington, an extract of of the documentary denounces "Land Off Poisons&
Carlo Fumo chiude VIII° ed. del suo Festival con il casti di Gomorra.
Pompei, 07 agosto 2016, ITALIAN MOVIE AWARD © 2016: eccezionale serata di chiusura con il casti di Gomorra, per il festival Diretto e...
Carlo Fumo closes the eighth ed. of the Festival with the cast of "Gomorrah"
Pompei, august 07, 2016, ITALIAN MOVIE AWARD © 2016: Exceptional closing night with chaste of Gomorrah, the festival director, and is...
After Miriam Leone, the film director Carlo Fumo rewards Raoul Bova in Italian Movie Award 2016
Pompeii, August 6, 2016 The Festival Director and President Carlo Fumo, the ITALIAN MOVIE AWARD © Continue to collect consents. After The...